Sharing Testimonies from The Send Arenas and preparing for what's to come.
Hey all! Jordan here. We hope this update finds you well and encourages you with what God is doing around the globe and through my work specifically with The Send.
It's so exciting to see the fruit (and data!) of our gathering in Nashville and look ahead to what's happening around the globe! As we look back over our USA arena campaign that wrapped up earlier this year, as The Send, we gathered more than 67,000 people in 145 tour stops and 4 arenas, and saw more than 41,000 missional commitments taken.
What makes The Send different than other similar movements is how we capture these commitments and furthermore how we follow-up. Using our systems and the coordination of 100's of ministries and thousands and thousands of phone calls, we are able to connect and support these young people in taking real action. I personally continue to work with The Send in this area of our follow-up system as well as fundraising to keep this great mission going.
In this blog I wanted to share just a handful of the 100's of testimonies we have received recently!
"On the last night of The Send Week I was experiencing pain, from a car accident in my back, and it was worse than it had been in 3 months. We were walking on Broadway Street and a woman stopped to pray for me. I said yes but didn’t tell her specifics. She began praying for my body to be healed and I felt a physical shift and heat in my back where the pain was. I walked away from the pray and my back was completely healed. The pain, which was constant, has not come back since!" -Kaleigh, 19
"Just heard from my staff that one of our Discipleship Training School(DTS) student who arrived 2 weeks ago took action at the send Nashville to come do DTS after we called her! " - YWAM South Africa Staff
“I went forward during the call to prayer to reach unreached people. I know I am called for that purpose. I’ve been scared of it before, even walked away and have turned back to the Lord’s call. As I was kneeling in prayer, I heard the Lord tell me three countries. One I knew Indonesia, which already has my heart, the other two nations I had to look up because I didn’t know where they were. Bahrain and The Solomon Islands.” -Rachel, 22 (The Send Nashville Arena)
“The Lord called me to go back home to be a missionary in Hong Kong” -Ian, 22 (The Send Nashville Arena)
“God used The Send to confirm the calling on my life to become a missionary, first in Japan, then all across Asia.” -Rachel, 17 (The Send Nashville Arena)
And my two personal favorites as our family continue with a long adoption process:
“We actually had met a 14yo orphan from Colombia a month ago and learned that he was about to age out of foster care soon. We had been praying for God to speak boldly to us regarding whether we were the ones who should adopt him, because we were struggling making a decision based on fears. Last night at The Send, God confirmed that we were the ones who would be His family! " - Anonymous (The Send Grand Rapids)
So crazy! Guys, this testimony/full-circle moment should get us stoked! This guy, Adam, came to our round table last week representing Careportal. He said he was at The Send Kansas City, raised his shoes, and took action for vulnerable children in the stadium with Careportal. God moved on his heart powerfully through it all, and now he works full time for Careportal in Nashville and is one of our vulnerable children partner contacts for Nashville. He is living out his shoes moment with Careportal, caring for vulnerable children daily, and partnering with The Send to call more people to it again. -Josh (The Send Team)
I hope you can truly be encouraged by this and know that through supporting our family in missions, your hands are directly involved in each of these testimonies!

As we look ahead we celebrate another huge success and move of God in London, England with 5,000 showing up to The Send Wembley Arena Event(above). Next we prepare here in the USA for our Southern California campaign, and for 5 more global events!
So much to come! Thank you for continuing to journey with us!
With love,
The Norris Fam