Two weeks ago we had an incredible afternoon at the soccer club! About a year ago we presented a gospel message to about 10 of our kids and almost all of them responded, wanting to have a personal relationship with God.

Over the past year we’ve continued to teach biblical values and have seen many of the kids grow in many ways. At the same time, a whole new crew of 10-15 kids have started to show up and we began wondering how we could bring all of the new arrivals to know God personally as well.

Just last week two of our staff presented a short message about becoming friends with Jesus. It blew us away to see how all the kids responded…

“¡Sí queremos ser amigos de Dios!” Yes we want to be friends of God!, they all shouted; as we explained what it meant to confess sin, accept God through Christ and have a relationship with Him. It was an exciting moment and we’re honored to be able to continue walking alongside these kids as they learn more about what it means to follow Jesus and live life with Him.

Outside of the soccer club I (Jordan) have been working hard in our Communications and Media department; figuring out and implementing new systems to recruit, contact and bring missionary students and Homes of Hope teams to Mazatlán. I’m excited to say that 30 students have just arrived for what is the biggest Discipleship Training School we’ve EVER run as a base. That’s almost twice as big the average schools we’ve ran over the past few years. That means 30 new young people being trained to be missionaries, to know God and make him known! Below are all of the new students and the nations they’ve come from.

As always, thank you so much to all for supporting us. We love being able to serve God and Mexico in the ways we do, thanks to you. Thanks so much for reading!
-Jordan & Kendra
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