Donate or Partner? Don't you get paid? 

As missionaries we work as volunteers, meaning we do not receive income for our volunteer work… but it’s actually a beautiful thing. As volunteer missionaries, we are supported by friends and family, churches, organizations and businesses who believe in the work we are doing and who want to invest in it themselves. 



By you providing the finances, and us providing the on site service and work, we are able to partner together in serving others in their needs, both physically and spiritually. Your role is irreplaceable.


Giving a gift or donation is giving into and towards our service and work in Mexico and around the world. By giving even just once, your contribution is irreplaceable. Your support helps to allow our family to function and our ministry and vision to flourish. Thank you!

  • Direct Deposit
  • Checks
  • Paypal
  • Tax Deductible Option Available

Build A Home

Bring a team from your church, family, friends or business to get together for a mission trip in which you will totally transform lives... not just others but your own as well!

  • Raise the money for the home
  • Bring 10-20 People
  • Build for 2-3 days
  • No experience in construction required

Interested? Have a question or two? Leave your info here and we'll get in touch!