
From a dump in Guatemala…

Written by Jordan | Feb 7, 2014 1:12:02 AM
One of the teams sent out from our base, currently serving in Guatemala, shares a heart-wrenching experience as they work to show Gods love by simply sorting through trash in a dump. Just 2 minutes long, but if you have the time to watch, it’s worth it.

Please remember our team in your prayers as they will soon wrap up their two month outreach. We’re excited to hear back from them how God was able to use them through these types of services to build relationships and share about Him. Thank you!

We are always looking for friends and family to come alongside our vision and work. To give towards all of this and more, feel free to visit our partner page by clicking here. Thank you again for all who are already alongside us in prayer and support! We love you all! -Jordan & Kendra


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