Instead of kiddos waiting for Santa Claus to come sliding down the chimney, Mexican children wait patiently (or not so patiently, haha) for the holiday “Día de los Reyes Magos” (Three Kings Day). On January 6th, the three kings bring presents to children, just as the three kings brought gifts for Jesus. Actually a pretty neat concept, huh?
Well, all of this to say… this year we had some presents of our own to give for Three Kings Day! We’ve been raising money to give children’s story bibles to our soccer club team… And the day had finally arrived.

We were blown away by the kids response! They sat down and opened their bibles up right away, paging through and chattering about their findings. What’s also exciting is that we have many extra bibles to give out as new kiddos join the soccer team. We’re SO thankful for this book and for everyone who pitched in to make this happen! Please pray with us that each child would dive deep into this book as they grow individually in their journey with The Lord.
With love – Kendra & Jordan