
A Gift for Reyna & Jose
A July Homes of Hope Build
Translating & Connecting... Our First Homes of Hope Build In Tijuana (+Video)
Blog by Kendra
On The Road Again
Here’s a quick look at the past few months in photos. We feel so blessed to live in a day and age where we can really SHOW you what you’re a part of...
72 Young People Arrive To Be Trained And Sent As Missionaries (+New Videos)
The biggest DTS we've ever had!
Video Blog! Family Homes of Hope Trip
We’re excited to share something new! A video blog from our Pennsylvania family’s recent Home’s of Hope(HOH) build. We’re hoping to do a little more...
Seeing The Growth Take Shape! [+New Video]
We’ve talked a lot about growth over the past few updates. As we grow in numbers it’s exciting to see that growth take physical shape as well! In...
Everything’s Bigger in Texas – A 10 Year Vision Coming Into Fruition
It all started a decade ago…
YWAM Ships Mazatlan
An exciting new ministry is underway here in Mazatlan! Below is a photo of The Amazing Grace, the newest member of our YWAM Ships ministry. YWAM...
Soccer Salvations, and our Biggest DTS Ever!
Two weeks ago we had an incredible afternoon at the soccer club! About a year ago we presented a gospel message to about 10 of our kids and almost...
Bi-yearly letter – internet version!
Here’s a copy of our latest newsletter we just recently sent the old-fashioned way… snail mail! Please let us know if you didn’t receive a letter and...
Recently I had the pleasure of being a part of one of our Homes of Hope builds in our neighboring village “Loma Bonita”. Although it is special every...
Thank you God for 2014!
A few exciting things God has done this past year throughout our ministry and lives. A HUGE thank you to our supporters and prayer warriors for your...
Soccer Club Ministry
Below we posted a few photos from the Soccer Club we just started up for local kids once a week. Right now we’re going on week 5, with roughly 10-12...
We just wanted to say…
…thank you for being a part of this! HOMES OF HOPE We’ve had the privilege of building a number of HOH houses this year; including building with our...
From a dump in Guatemala…
One of the teams sent out from our base, currently serving in Guatemala, shares a heart-wrenching experience as they work to show Gods love by simply...
Into our City!
As missionaries in a city, what are we doing for our city? This has been the thought running through the minds of many of our committed staff over...
A Breath in Between
Things have finally quietened down for a season. It was such a blessing to have a very busy few months, but the break is certainly much appreciated!...
Summer of FIRE!
We’re currently in the middle of Summer of Fire, or as you’d say in spanish… Verano de Fuego! Verano de Fuego is similar to a month-long summer camp...
A Year Passes…
Can you believe we’ve been here for just over a year now? We want to share with you just a taste of all we’re doing in Mexico. Things are busy as...